Play to Learn is an original online platform which we created for our friends at Eudaimonia Solutions. It is designed to allow the easy creation of turned-based games and interactive online stories with little to none required technical expertise.
Access is easy at both ends of the platform. On one hand, users can access it from any spot around the Globe which has an internet connection. On the other, content creators have a story-telling tool, which requires comparatively little resources, time and technical expertise, to share knowledge with a large audience.
Play to Learn occupies an interesting business niche which encompasses a multitude of potential new users and applications. Its low cost, visual attractiveness and easy accessibility makes it an interesting communication tool for businesses and organizations.
After the deployment of the platform in late 2015, the collaboration between our companies continued towards the creation of number of games and interactive presentations.
Scenes from the “Career Game” (commissioned by EURAXESS, under the European Commission)
Scenes from “Values@Work” game (commissioned for the World Values Day)
A scene from “Our Services” interactive presentation
A scene from the “My First Day at Work” game (an Eudamoinia Solutions’ original product)